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Where Nonsense Meets Genius

Ever wonder what happens when dreams and reality collide in the weirdest way possible? Tap below to step into the District and experience the offbeat phrases that only the truly unexpected can deliver. Are you ready to laugh out loud?

const phrases = [ "People, people, this isn't district spaghetti!", "I told the penguin to stop eating the carpet!", "If the lamp was a sandwich, would it still be a Tuesday?", "Listen, the dog’s been a dictator in the hallway for hours, and we can’t let it slide anymore.","The octopus has a conference call with my socks.", "Bananas are plotting to take over the refrigerator.", "I’m pretty sure the lamp just gave me a thumbs-up.", "The banana is out there building a bridge with invisible fish..","A walrus just handed me an invoice for the seaweed.", "This isn’t just toothpaste, it’s the ocean pretending to be a pencil.", "They keep playing chess on the ceiling, but the pieces are all marshmallows.", "The chair is not a chair, it’s a sandwich that’s afraid of gravity.." ]; function generatePhrase() { const randomPhrase = phrases[Math.floor(Math.random() * phrases.length)]; document.getElementById("phrase").innerText = randomPhrase; }


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